This image shows Robin Benedix

Robin Benedix

PhD Student
Stubenrauch group


+49 711 685 64415
+49 711 685 64443

Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 9-362


  1. 2023

    1. Benedix, R.R., Botsch, S., Preisig, N., Kovalchuk, V., Jessop, P.G., Stubenrauch, C.: Influence of a CO2-switchable additive on the surface and foaming properties of a cationic non-switchable surfactant. Soft Matter. 19, 2941–2948 (2023).
    2. Benedix, R.R., Poole, H., Zauser, D., Preisig, N., Jessop, P.G., Stubenrauch, C.: Surface and foaming properties of an anionic CO2-switchable tail surfactant. Tenside Surfactants Detergents. 60, 269–276 (2023).
since 04/2023: PhD Thesis, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. C. Stubenrauch
04/2020 – 12/2022: M. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. Dr. Cosima Stubenrauch ; Topic: “CO2-Switchable Additive and Surfactants"
04/2016 - 02/2020: B. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. Dr. Thomas Sottmann; Topic: “Nanopartikelsynthese in Mikroemulsionen: Einfluss der Mikroemulsionszusammensetzung auf die Partikelgröße"
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