This image shows Florian Trummer

Florian Trummer

Doctoral Researcher
Sottmann Group


+49 711 685 61703
+49 711 685 64443

Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 9-501

Since 11/2022 PhD Thesis, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof T. Sottmann
10/2021 – 09/2022

Pre-doctoral researcher, University of Innsbruck
Research focus: Dynamics of gas phase ion-molecule collisions

10/2019 – 09/2021

Dipl.-Ing. in Technical Physics, University of Graz / TU Graz
Profile: Nanoanalysis, Semiconductor Physics, Measurement Techniques
Thesis: Physics of Inverse ISAsomes - Advancement towards food-grade formulations; groups of Prof. W. Sprengel, Dr. A. Chemelli and Prof. O. Glatter

10/2016 ­– 09/2019

B. Sc. in Physics, University of Graz / TU Graz
Thesis: Semi-Automatic analysis routine for Split experiments; group of Prof. W. Sprengel

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