This image shows Florian Trummer

Florian Trummer

Doctoral Researcher
Sottmann Group


+49 711 685 61703
+49 711 685 64443

Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 9-501

  1. Trummer, F., Lade, O., Glatter, O., Sottmann, T., Stubenrauch, C.: Microemulsions supported by octyl monoglucoside and geraniol. 3. Microstructure & general pattern. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 676, 132133 (2023).
  2. Gstir, T., Michaelsen, T., Long, B.A., Nacsa, A.B., Ayasli, A., Swaraj, D., Zappa, F., Trummer, F., Ard, S.G., Shuman, N.S., Czakó, G., Viggiano, A.A., Wester, R.: The influence of fluorination on the dynamics of the F− + CH3CH2I reaction. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 18711–18719 (2023).
  3. Trummer, F., Glatter, O., Chemelli, A.: Inverse ISAsomes in Bio-Compatible Oils—Exploring Formulations in Squalane, Triolein and Olive Oil. Nanomaterials. 12, (2022).
Since 11/2022 PhD Thesis, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof T. Sottmann
10/2021 – 09/2022

Pre-doctoral researcher, University of Innsbruck
Research focus: Dynamics of gas phase ion-molecule collisions

10/2019 – 09/2021

Dipl.-Ing. in Technical Physics, University of Graz / TU Graz
Profile: Nanoanalysis, Semiconductor Physics, Measurement Techniques
Thesis: Physics of Inverse ISAsomes - Advancement towards food-grade formulations; groups of Prof. W. Sprengel, Dr. A. Chemelli and Prof. O. Glatter

10/2016 ­– 09/2019

B. Sc. in Physics, University of Graz / TU Graz
Thesis: Semi-Automatic analysis routine for Split experiments; group of Prof. W. Sprengel

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