+49 711 685 64460
+49 711 685 62569
Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 9-101
Frank Giesselmann studied chemistry and received his doctoral degree from Clausthal University of Technology in 1992. During his post-doctoral studies on phase transitions in liquid crystals, he worked with Peter Zugenmaier (Clausthal), Woyciech Kuczynski (Polish Academy of Sciences), and Sven T. Lagerwall (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden). In 1998 he finished his habilitation and received the venia legendi in Physical Chemistry. Since 2002 he is Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart, where he also joined the International Max Planck Research School on Advanced Materials. From 2006 to 2009 Giesselmann was Vice Dean (“Studiendekan”) of the chemistry department, from 2009 to 2012 Vice Rector (“Prorektor für Lehre”) of Stuttgart University. Currently he is elected member in the University Board (“Universitätsrat”) of the University of Stuttgart. His foremost research interest is the liquid crystalline state of matter including the structure and dynamics, the phase transitions, the chirality effects and the electrical/optical properties of both thermotropic and lyotropic liquid-crystalline phases.