This image shows Tamara Schad

Tamara Schad


Postdoctoral Research Associate
Stubenrauch group


+49 711 685 64471
+49 711 685 64443

Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 9.362


  1. 2024

    1. Schad, T., Piening, H., Drenckhan, W., Stubenrauch, C.: Schäume für den Märchenkönig. CONSERVA Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut. 2, 41–48 (2024).
    2. Schad, T., Zauser, D., Fameau, A.-L., Stubenrauch, C.: Detection of lipase activity with liquid foams. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 683, 132995 (2024).
  2. 2022

    1. Schad, T., Preisig, N., Drenckhan, W., Stubenrauch, C.: Foam-based cleaning of surfaces contaminated with mixtures of oil and soot. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents. 25, 377–385 (2022).
    2. Schad, T., Preisig, N., Piening, H., Stubenrauch, C.: Innovative foam-based cleaning concepts for historical objects. Tenside Surfactants Detergents. 59, 451--459 (2022).
  3. 2021

    1. Schad, T., Preisig, N., Blunk, D., Piening, H., Drenckhan, W., Stubenrauch, C.: Less is more: Unstable foams clean better than stable foams. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 590, 311–320 (2021).
  4. 2019

    1. Preisig, N., Schad, T., Jacomine, L., Bordes, R., Stubenrauch, C.: How Promoting and Breaking Intersurfactant H-Bonds Impact Foam Stability. Langmuir. 35, 14999–15008 (2019).
since 07/2022: Post-doc, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. C. Stubenrauch
10/2018 – 06/2022: PhD Thesis, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. C. Stubenrauch
10/2015 – 03/2018: M. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. C. Stubenrauch; Topic: "Über die Wichtigkeit von H-Brücken für die Schaumstabilität"
10/2012 - 08/2015: B. Sc. in Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. C. Stubenrauch; Topic: "Rheologie und Oberflächenspannungen von Chitosan-Lösungen in Gegenwart und Abwesenheit eines Tensids"
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