We gratefully thank the following funding sources
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Post-Doc grant for Dr. Peng Zhang
- Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung stipend for MSc Samuel Lenz
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- SL104/5-1. Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an auf Lanthanoid-Ionen basierten Einzelmolekülmagneten
- SL104/3-1,2. Improving the sensitivity of THz frequency domain magnetic resonance (SPP1601, with Dr. Petr Neugebauer)
- SL104/2-1. Switchable Molecular Magnets Based on Quinonoid Ligands (with Prof. Biprajit Sarkar)
- DR228/43-1. Pushing the limits of torque-detected electron-spin resonance (SPP1601, with Prof. Martin Dressel, Dr. Lapo Bogani)
- Breitbandiges Hochfrequenz-ESR-Spektrometer
- Magnetisches Zirkulardichroismus-Spektrometer
- DR228/19-2,3. Magnetic properties of polyoxometalates: magnetochemical and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (SPP1601, with Prof. Achim Müller, Prof. Martin Dressel
- SFB/TRR 21 Project A3. Coherent coupling of molecular magnets
- GRK 448
- Deutscher Akademiker Austausch Dienst
- PPP Czech Republic with Dr Jiří Novák (Brno)
- PPP Czech Republic with Dr Radovan Herchel (Olomouc)
- PPP Acciones Integradas with Dr. Fernando Luis (Zaragoza)
- PPP Procope with Dr. Patrick Rosa (Bordeaux)
- Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/G004757/1, EP/G004757/2)
- European Union
- EU Marie Curie IEF 253980 for Fabrizio Moro
- EU FET-OPEN Project GA767227 PETER: Plasmon Enhanced Terahertz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
- EU Large scale facilities
- Fonds der Chemischen Industrie Stipend for Katharina Bader
- Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology
- Landesgraduiertenförderung stipends for Philipp Lutz and Philipp Hallmen
- The Nuffield Foundation
- The Royal Society
- SNF Post-Doc grant (PBGEP2-129336) for Itana Krivokapic
- University of Nottingham New Researcher Fund
- Vector Stiftung