Generation, Characterisation and Application of Nanostructured LLC-Gels


Gelled complex fluids

Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Gels (LCC-Gels) are a special case of complex fluids that are of interest for biomedical applications such as tissue healing applications and (trans-)dermal drug delivery systems. The gel network provides mechanical stability, while the entrapped LLC nanostructures provide an additional function, e.g. as reservoir for drugs of different polarities. LLC-Gels can be obtain either by adding a gelator to a complex fluid or by replacing the solvent of a gel by a complex fluid. If the two structures, i.e. the gel network and the complex fluid, form simultaneously but independently, the system is called “orthogonal self-assembled sytem”. [1]

In this research the focus will be on non-irritating, bio-compatible gels. To achieve the formulation of those gels, binary systems consisting of water and sugar-based surfactants which form hexagonal (H1) and lamellar (Lα) LLCs will be gelated according to previous studies [2]. The gelators are low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs), which self-assemble reversibly into fibrillar networks and are biodegradable. The present work seeks to (a) determine whether the gelled LLC phase is an orthogonal self-assembled system; (b) adjust the rheological behaviour via the gelator concentration, the type of lyotropic LC phase, or an alignment of fibres; (c) align gel fibres by growing them in an external field or in an anisotropic matrix (H1 or Lα).

[1] C. Stubenrauch, F. Gießelmann, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 3268-3275.

[2] K. Steck, S. Dieterich, C. Stubenrauch, F. Giesselmann, J. Mater. Chem. C 2020, 8, 5335-5348.

This image shows Philomène  Le Bastart de Villeneuve

Philomène Le Bastart de Villeneuve


PhD Student

This image shows Cosima Stubenrauch

Cosima Stubenrauch

Prof. Dr.

Dean of Faculty

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