This image shows Julian  Fischer

Julian Fischer

Doctoral Researcher
Sottmann Group


+49 711 685 64464
+49 711 685 64443

Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 9-356


Microflow-Induced Structural Transitions of Microemulsions

  1. Fischer, J., Porcar, L., Cabral, J.T., Sottmann, T.: Using an amphiphilic diblock copolymer to understand the shear-induced structural transformation of bicontinuous microemulsions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 671, 124–133 (2024).
  2. Tari, F., Hertle, S., Wang, H., Fischer, J., van Aken, P.A., Sottmann, T., Klemm, E., Traa, Y.: Investigating the Long-Term Kinetics of Pd Nanoparticles Prepared from Microemulsions and the Lindlar Catalyst for Selective Hydrogenation of 3-Hexyn-1-ol. Catalysts. 14, (2024).
  3. Fischer, J., Porcar, L., Cabral, J.T., Sottmann, T.: Spatial mapping and scaling of the shear-induced transformation from bicontinuous microemulsions towards lamellar structures by coupling microfluidics and SANS. Soft Matter. (2023).
  4. Fischer, J., Porcar, L., Cabral, J.T., Sottmann, T.: Shear-induced sponge-to-lamellar transition in bicontinuous microemulsions evidenced by microfluidic-SANS. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 635, 588--597 (2023).
  5. Rommerskirchen, R., Bilgili, H., Fischer, J., Sottmann, T.: Impact of Miscibility Enhancing Additives on the Flooding Scheme in CO2 EOR Processes. In: SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. pp. 12--. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA (2018).
since 12/2017 PhD Thesis, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, group of Prof. T. Sottmann
02/2017 – 07/2017 Internship, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, Group of Prof. T. Sottmann 
10/2016-01/2017 Certification Thesis for First State Examination, Universität Stuttgart, Germany, Group of Prof. T. Sottmann
2011-2017 First State Examination for Teaching in Chemistry and Mathematics, Universität Stuttgart, Germany
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